Che Tango SF is extremely excited to collaborate with Transcend Tango to bring Ezgi Turmuş to the Bay Area for the first time.
2/13 & 2/14 ~ Che! Tango SF @ La Pista
Thursday 2/13
Pre-milonga workshop 7:00 – 8:15pm
~Walking Techniques: Heels vs. Flats
• Exploring the differences, advantages, and challenges of walking in heels versus flats, tailored for both leaders and followers.
Che! Milonga de Ezgi Turmuş with DJ Madeleine 8:30 -12:30pm
Location: La Pista – 3450 3rd St #5H, San Francisco, CA 94124
Friday 2/14
The Way of Connection 2-Part Seminar 7:00-9:45pm
~From establishing and maintaining a solid connection to creating dynamic, conversational interactions with your partner.
• Giving and receiving (Yin Yang) energies in leading and following
• Roles and responsibilities as a leader and a follower
• Walking essentials for each role
• Embracing and connecting in different styles
• connected while dissociating
Part 1 – 7:00-8:15pm
Part 2 – 8:30-9:45pm
Full package (1 workshop + 1 milonga + seminar) $110/$220
Thursday Workshop
$30/$60 pre-register
$35/$70 at the door
Friday 2-Part Seminar
$60/$120 pre-register
$70/$140 at the door
$20 general
$15 Full-time students (with ID) contact us at info@chetangosf.com
Location: La Pista – 3450 3rd St #5H, San Francisco, CA 94124
Limited capacity, register NOW!
Ezgi Turmus started her tango journey at the Istanbul University Dance Club more than 20 years ago. She was interested in both roles from the day she started tango, and studied with various teachers in Istanbul and Buenos Aires.
In 2009, Ezgi founded TangoSam, a vibrant and inclusive tango community in her hometown Samsun, where she started teaching and organizing Mar Negro Open Role Tango Marathon. She has honed her skills as a teacher and performer for more than a decade and is now the most highly sought-after dual-role dancer internationally. She has been invited to teach and perform at many organizations, festivals, and events across Europe, Asia, and most recently the United States. Some of Ezgi’s most memorable dual-role performances have been with well-known Argentine dancers Ariadna Naivera and Corina Herrera.
In 2017, she competed in Istanbul Mundial de Baile and came in 8th place as a leader in the finals.